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Blue stone oil and crylic on canvas(180×180cm) 2017

蓝色石头  布面油画,丙烯

This is a blue stone killer whales stranded in. The body is wrapped in a golden net. You can see the wound. On the back of its fins hanging on the body. In the distance is the black snow mountain. At the foot of the mountain can be seen looming black trees. There is no sunlight in the dark sky.

I paint the stone into the color of the sea, and I know it will never return to its home. I hope its blue stone can take it back to its home in the dream. These blue stones are like a cruel dream, a dream that will never come true. The whole tone of my picture is bleak as lonely as its heart

I love nature and animals. My original inspiration is from some animals video suffering from zoo environment and people. I see the feelings of human beings from these injured animals. To some extent, I think I'm the animal. So I painted these animals.The animals in these pictures are more like my self portraits. 

At the same time,I have been reading a Book (Human Zoo) recently. The Human Zoo is a book written by the British zoologist Desmond Morris. He compares the human inhabitants of a city to the animal inhabitants of a zoo.In many ways, our society is like a large human zoo. 

Black or White oil on canvas 120cm x 80cm 2017

Black Stones 120cm x 140cm 

acrylic on canvas 2017


Eagles in cages  40cm x 55cm acrylic on board

Red desert

​红色沙漠 布面丙烯

40cm x 120cm

acrylic on canvas 2017

Smoked Mermaid 40cm x 45cm oil on canvas 2017​

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